A company created with
the town of Bedford in mind.
At Bedford Clothing Company, we are committed to giving back to the community that has given us so much. For each piece of clothing you purchase with our company, a portion of your money goes towards making Bedford an even better place to live and visit. Whether it is funding local educational programs or supporting charities that make the lives of the people in our community more joyful, our company is always on the lookout for new ways to help this charming town flourish. We are all about town pride and BCC brings the love of our town to casual clothing as well as back to the community.
The Bedford Oak
“My father taught me to take off my hat whenever I passed what he used to call 'our most venerable citizen.' I do it to this day, as does my son, and I commend it to you. Long may the old oak's proud crest stand in Bedford, a challenge to stability and generosity, so that its qualities may be found always in the character of Bedford citizens." - Harold Whitman, Bedford resident, 1942
Fun facts about the Bedford Oak
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Located on the Corner of Hook Road & Cantitoe Street
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It is a White oak tree also known as "Quercus alba"
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It is estimated to be over 500 years old
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The girth is more than 30 feet, and the spread of its branches is 130 feet from tip to tip.
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In 1977, The Bedford Historical Society raised 426 donations from organizations, businesses and individuals to save the tree from being torn down. There was enough money to buy two acres to protect the tree and give it space to grow.
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The Bedford Historical Society maintains the acreage around the tree and works with the Town's Tree Advisory Board to care for this noble symbol of Bedford.